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Click on the PDF below for the volunteer form.

Click on the PDF below to see the sponsorship opportunities.


Memberships in the GCFCA include, but are not limited to, college, high school, middle school, CYO and youth football head and/or assistant coaches. In order to nominate a player for participation in the annual East-West game or consideration for a GCFCA scholarship, your school must be a current member.


Annual Membership is March 1 through February 28, for an annual dues of $10.


Member activities include: voting rights for Coach of the Year, access to a networking group of coaches/schools that exchange information regarding schedules, programs and activities, nominating a student athlete for a scholarship, and participation in the East-West All Star game.


For more information on membership please contact Doug Sovchik:


440-886-6792 or

Click on the PDF below for the membership form.

Volunteering is a great way to give back to your community and support our Cuyahoga County student athletes. For high school students, service hours can be accumulated to assist in improving the content and depth of your college application. 


For more information on volunteering please contact Jo Ann Keller:


216-559-9684 or

We offer many different levels of sponsorships, that would include the placement of your company name/logo on our materials and website.


Some sponsorships also include premium placement such as an award sponsor,
t-shirt sponsor and offering of a scholarship to well-deserving high school senior football player(s).


For more information on sponsorships please contact Jo Ann Keller:


216-559-9684 or


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